We are so excited to join this amazing cruise and rock the boat !!!! Cabins are very limited so book on line at www.rocklegendscruise.com or call 1-888-666-1499.
Λόγω των τρεχουσών και απρόβλεπτων περιστάσεων, με θλίψη οι Deep Purple αναγκάστηκαν να ακυρώσουν την εμφάνισή τους στο Rockwave festival που ήταν προγραμματισμένη για τις 5 Ιουνίου 2021. Η απόφαση ακύρωσης της εμφάνισης ήταν πολύ δύσκολη και κάτι που οι Deep Purple θα προσπαθούσαν πάντα να αποφύγουν. Ανυπομονούμε να σας δούμε σύντομα και ελπίζουμε να…
Due to current and unforeseen circumstances, it is with sadness that Deep Purple have been forced to cancel their appearance at Rockwave festival on 5th June 2021. The decision to cancel this show has been a very difficult one and something that Deep Purple would always try to avoid. We very much look forward to…
Tuesday 6 July 2021 Festival du Printemps de Pérouges St Vulbas (27 miles from Lyon), FRANCE Tickets on sale: Monday 30 November at 11am CET https://www.festival-perouges.org/
The 25th Anniversary of Graspop Metal Meeting in Belgium, will host Deep Purple on June 20, 2021. For more information, https://www.graspop.be/en/ For ticket information, check this link.
Tons Of Rock hassocks announced their lineup and schedule for June 2021. Deep Purple will be closing the festival on June 26. Tickets go on sale October 18 CET.