A new date in France has been added to the tour dates page. This means that the Calander with the Summer dates has also been updated. Those of you who already downloaded the first issue should download the new, remove the old and install the new update.
Deep Purple goes to Moscow
Deep Purple will be playing the Olimpiiski Arena in Moscow on October 27. Tickets go on sale on June 2 at http://www.kassir.ru/msk
It’s a bootleg
In Ukraine, a live recording has surfaced called “Rapture of the live 2006-2008”. Some reports say that radio stations are receiving this from Deep Purple’s management. This is not true! Infact, up until today, Thames Talent Ltd – Deep Purple’s management company, had no knowledge of it’s existence. In other words, it is not an…
New festival date – Monsters of Rock
Deep Purple will play at the Monsters of Rock at Feria de Muestras in Zaragoza, Spain, on July 11. For more dates, please check out the tour dates page Festival website at www.monstersofrock.es Tickets at www.ticktackticket.com
Please update your bookmarks
The site has just gone through a little maintenance to make URLs a little friendlier. Please update your bookmarks so they take you to the correct link.
Ian Gillan attends Jeff Healy Tribute in Toronto
Jeff Healy appeared on Gillan’s Inn playing the solo to When A blind Man Cries. A bond was created between the two. Ian Gillan will be appearing at the Jeff Healy tribute on May 3rd at The Sound Academy (Formerly known as The Docks) in Toronto. The following artists will also appears: Randy Bachman, Jimmy…